Wind Important Questions Class 9 Beehive English

Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1. What should we do about our body and heart?
We should make our body firm and heart steadfast.
Question 2. What damage does wind cause in the poet’s room?
Wind breaks the shutters of the windows, it scatters the poet’s papers. It even throws down his books and tears the pages. Then it brings rain and disturbs everything.
Question 3. What harm does wind do when it blows hard?
When a strong wind blows, it destroys everything. It breaks the shutters of the windows, scatters the papers, throws the books off the shelves, and tears the pages of the books.
Question 4. Why should the earthly people build strong houses?
They should build strong houses so that they may not be damaged by the wind. They should be strong enough to endure violent winds and become a challenge to the potent wind.
Question 5. How does the wind become the cause of rain?
The wind sometimes becomes violent and appears to be a storm. It brings clouds with it from distant lands. There is no need to say that clouds bring rain. It is a universal truth and scientific fact that clouds bring rain from the blue sky.
Question 6. How does wind make fun of weaklings?
Wind makes fun of the weaklings by separating them from the strong and then crushing them by its force. Wind who is very strong does not behave in a friendly way with the weak. It destroys the weak things.
Question 7. What kinds of houses should we build to withstand the power of wind?
We should make strong houses with doors that have firm joints as wind will not be able to crumble those.
Question 8. Why does the poet plead with the wind to blow softly?
When the wind blows softly, it is harmless and enjoyable but when it blows fiercely, it wreaks havoc. Therefore, the poet wants the wind to be gentle and soft.
Question 9. ‘He won’t do what you tell him’. Who is ‘he’? Why does he not obey others?
In this line, ‘he’ stands for the wind god. The wind god does not obey man because it is so powerful that it cannot be controlled.
Question 10. What does the wind God winnows?
The wind God winnows all the things available at home. The windbreaks and crushes weak houses, doors, rafters, wood, human beings and lives. The wind God windows and crushes all the weak things.
Question 11. What should we do to make friends with the wind?
As friendship exists and thrives among equals, we can befriend the wind only by becoming as strong and forceful as he is. If we are physically and mentally strong, we can embrace it as a friend without being afraid of its fury.
Question 12. Explain the meaning of ‘We praise him every day’.
Here ‘him’ stands for the wind god. We praise the wind every day because it provides us strength and life. As long as wind is our friend, it helps us flourish. Therefore, we must sing his praises.
Question 13. What is the central idea of the poem, ‘Wind’?
The poet advises us to be strong in mind and body. The wind will be our friend when we are strong. Here the wind represents the difficulties and challenges we face in our life. Therefore, we should face them boldly.
Question 14. What does the wind symbolize in this poem?
The poet converts the natural force, wind, into a symbol in the context of human life. The destructive wind symbolizes the hardships, problems and obstructions in the life of people. Just as buildings have to face strong winds, people have to encounter difficulties and obstacles in life.
Question 15. What does the wind do with the books?
The wind tears the pages off and throws them down from the bookshelf. The potent (powerful) wind scatters the books and sheets of paper on the floor. It disturbs everything.
Question 16. How does the wind behave with stronger fires?
It behaves like a friend with strong ones. It cannot destroy them. So it accepts their might and stops troubling them. Rather, it increases their strength by contributing its own.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1. The wind is a symbol of power and strength. How can we befriend it and survive in our struggle for existence?
The wind symbolises the uncontrollable and raw power of nature. The wind god symbolises strength and steadfastness. Weaklings who are weak in the mind and body are swept away by the mighty power of the wind. Only those who are blessed with steadfast minds and hearts survive in the bitter struggle of life. The poet gives a broader message. Whatever we do or think must stand on the foundations of strength and power. Only strong minds and bodies can face the anger of the wind and challenges of life. We can befriend the god of wind by building strong homes and doors. We can also win his favour by firming the body and making the heart steadfast.
Question 2. What challenges are posed by wind in the life of the poet and the common man?
According to the poet, wind disrupts our everyday life. Wind, and accompanying rain, are forces of nature that are perceived as the tempest forces which create impediments in a man’s life. Just as our problems which can arise from nowhere, wind can hit us at any time of our life. It mocks the weak and the frail. For frail people, literally and metaphorically, wind creates barriers. Winds do not let a frail body or a frail mind survive but on the other hand if you are strong, you have the power and the will to survive and fight back, wind can never be a threat to your being.
Question 3. Why does the poet suggest to the people that they have to be strong? Write your answer in the context of the poem, ‘Wind’.
According to the poet, the wind is very powerful. It has the power to break the shutters of the windows, scatter the papers and throw the books down the shelf. When it blows violently, it brings the clouds. It mocks at the weak and destroys their homes. The weak persons are really helpless before the wind. But the poet is quite hopeful. He thinks that when people build strong houses, they can challenge the wind. Actually, the poet suggests the people that they should be strong at heart because the weak persons cannot face the challenges of life. Only the people with a strong heart and body have the courage to face the challenges of life.
Question 4. What advice does the poet offer the people? Write your answer in the context of the poem, ‘Wind’.
According to the poet, the wind is very powerful. It can break the shutters of the windows, scatter the papers, throw the books down from the shelves and tear their pages. When it blows violently, it brings the clouds. It mocks at the weak and destroys their homes. But the poet is not dismayed. He realises thinks that when the people build strong houses, they can challenge the wind. The poet suggests that we should face the challenges and hardships with courage, grit and firm determination. The wind is a symbol of problems and obstacles which are to be dealt without fear.
Question 5. What kind of destruction can be caused by violent wind?
The wind, through its violent force, can play havoc in the world. It causes huge damage to life and property. Buildings collapse, window shutters are broken, papers are scattered and books are thrown down. The wind causes clouds to make heavy showers which creates many problems for the poor and weak people. When the violent wind blows, the fragile, unsteady houses crumble down, doors come off their hinges, rafters fall down, and the wooden panels collapse. The small flames of fires are extinguished by the wind. The god of wind suppresses and destroys weak people and structures. Proud of his power, he causes large-scale destruction.
Question 6. Human life is full of hardships. How does the poet reveal it?
In relation to human beings, the wind has been used by the poet as a symbol of the hardships that life is dotted with. Men have to encounter terrible suffering, sorrows, difficulties, and failures. So powerful are these troubles that only very strong people are able to overcome them and move ahead. Weak, infirm and indecisive people surrender in front of hardships and accept defeat. But, strong people with patience, unwavering minds and firm will fight against the hardships and emerge even stronger. Human lives can never be devoid of struggle. One only needs physical and mental strength to overcome unfavourable circumstances. The winds of trouble cannot harm those who have the power to stand firm. Strong people can turn their difficulties into opportunities and learn lessons from them. They know how to turn the tides in their favour.