Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures Class 6 Science Curiosity NCERT Solutions
Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science
Question 1. What will happen if the Sun is not visible for a few days?
- We may have to depend on artificial lighting during day time also.
- The plants and living beings growth will be affected.
- The production of solar energy will be stopped.
- The temperature will decrease.
Let us enhance our learning
1. Fig. 11.9 shows items related to natural resources. Match them with their jumbled up names. Make another table and write the names of these resources. Classify these resources as renewable or non-renewable.
Item |
Jumbled up Name |
Name |
Resource |
Category |
![]() |
atwre |
Water |
River, Pond |
Renewable resource |
![]() |
ndiw |
Wind |
Atmosphere |
Renewable resource |
![]() |
refost |
Forest |
Forest |
Renewable resource |
![]() |
ocrk |
Rock |
Mineral |
Non-renewable resource |
2. State whether the following statements are True [T] or False [F]. If False, correct them.
(i) Nature has all the resources to meet human needs. [ ]
(ii) Machines are a resource found in nature. [ ]
(iii) Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. [ ]
(iv) Air is a renewable resource. [ ]
(i) Nature has all the resources to meet human needs. [T]
(ii) Machines are a resource found in nature. [F]
Correction: Machines are human-made resources, not found in nature.
(iii) Natural gas is a non-renewable resource. [T]
(iv) Air is a renewable resource. [T]
3. Fill in the blanks using the most appropriate option—
(i) A fuel that is commonly used in two wheelers like scooters or bikes is _____
(a) Kerosene
(b) Petrol
(c) Diesel
(d) LPG
(b) Petrol
(ii) An example of a renewable resource is _____
(a) Coal
(b) Water
(c) Natural gas
(d) Petrol
(b) Water
4. Classify the following as renewable or non-renewable resources—coal, natural gas, forests and minerals.
- Renewable resources: Forests
- Non-renewable resources: Coal, natural gas and minerals
5. Why do we say that petroleum is a non-renewable resource?
Petroleum is a non-renewable resource because it takes millions of years to form from the remains of microorganisms and plants buried deep inside the earth. It is found in limited quantities and once used, it cannot be replenished.
6. It is difficult to regrow forests. Justify this statement.
It is difficult to regrow forests because:
- Forests are renewable natural resource but it is difficult to regrow forests because the process of growing trees to maturity takes many years.
- The ecological balance and biodiversity that develop in a forest over centuries cannot be easily replicated.
- Human activities, such as large-scale deforestation, land for cultivation, constructions, making space for cattle grazing and obtain wood for making furniture and using it as fuel, further complicate the regrowth of forests.
It would become difficult to regrow forests if we keep on over utilising it. Therefore, we must preserve and use forests responsibly so that they get enough time to regenerate.
7. Make a list of five daily activities in which you use natural resources. Suggest ways by which you can reduce their use.
List of five daily activities in which you use natural resources: (any five)
- We use water for watering plants.
- We can avoid using a hose pipe for watering plants as a lot of water is wasted through it.
- We use water for taking shower.
- Instead of shower, we can take bath using a bucket and mug.
- We use fuels in vehicles.
- We can use public transport or carpool to save fuel.
- We use electricity and coal is used to generate electricity.
- We can use stairs (at least up to 3 floors ) to climb instead of taking lift.
- We use electricity to run fans and lights. We should switch off fans and lights in unoccupied rooms.
8. List four activities that are possible due to the presence of air.
Four activities that are possible due to the presence of air:
- Breathing
- Flying kites
- Inflating balloons
- Generating wind energy through windmills
9. How can you contribute towards enhancing the green cover of your locality? Make a list of actions to be taken.
List of actions towards enhancing the green cover of locality:
- Planting trees and shrubs in the community.
- Encouraging community participation in tree-planting drives.
- Protecting existing trees from being cut down.
- Creating awareness about the importance of green cover.
- Supporting local initiatives that aim to increase green spaces.
10. In the given illustration, we see that food is being cooked.
Answer the following questions—
(i) What type of energy is being used for cooking?
(ii) Name one benefit and one drawback of using this type of energy for cooking.
(i) Solar Energy
(ii) Benefit: Solar energy is a renewable and clean source of energy. Hence, it is environment friendly.
Drawback: Dependence on Weather- Solar energy cannot be used during cloudy days or at night, which limits its reliability and convenience.
11. Cutting down trees on a large scale impacts the quality of the soil. Why do you think it is so?
Cutting down trees on a large scale impacts the quality of the soil because tree roots help in binding the soil and thus prevents soil erosion. Without the trees, the roots are no longer holding the soil together and can be easily washed away by rain or blown away by wind, leading to loss of fertile topsoil.
12. Explain two ways in which human activities pollute the air. Propose one action which can help in reducing air pollution.
Two ways in which human activities pollute the air:
- Emission of pollutants from vehicles by burning of fossil fuels.
- Industrial emissions releasing harmful gases.
Action to reduce pollution:
- Use of electric vehicles and public transportation to reduce emissions from vehicles.
- No-fuel options like walking and biking are also good options to reduce air pollution.
- Establishing air filters in chimneys of industries to capture air pollutants.
- Use of clean fuels and solar utensils for cooking of food.
13. A family uses solar panels to generate electricity, a gas stove to cook food and a windmill for pumping water from a well. What would happen if there were no sunlight for a week?
If there were no sunlight for a week, the family would face issues with generating electricity through solar panels, which would affect their power supply. They might need to rely on alternative sources of energy for electricity.
14. Fill up the blanks using the following terms- (fossil fuels, forest, air, petroleum, coal, water and non-renewable resource)
15. There is an increasing demand of trees to meet the requirements of industries and for housing. Therefore, trees are being felled. Is it justified? Discuss and prepare a brief report.
The increasing demand for trees to meet industrial and for housing is leading to deforestation, which is not justified.
Reasons for the same are given below:
- Felling of trees disrupts habitats of many wild animals, including birds and insects as it provide food and shelter to them.
- Deforestation also and leads to soil erosion and contributes to climate chang.
- Trees provide us with fresh oxygen for breathing.
- Trees also protect us from various natural calamities like drought, flood, etc.
- Trees provide us with food which is the basic need of humans.
Therefore, we should try to plant more and more trees to balance development needs with environmental conservation.
16. Propose a plan to use less water in your school. What steps would you take to make this plan happen and how would it help the environment?
Plan to use less water:
- Use grey water for gardening purposes.
- Implement a rainwater harvesting system.
- Install water-efficient faucets and toilets.
Steps to implement the plan:
- Monitor water usage regularly and set reduction targets.
- Encourage student-led initiatives for water conservation.
- Collaborate with local authorities and experts to install water saving devices.
Environmental benefits:
- Promotes sustainability and responsible water usage within the community.
- Decreases the energy used in water treatment and distribution.