Chapter 5 A Friend’s Prayer Summary for Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi

Summary of A Friend’s Prayer for Class 6 English is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from Unit 2 Friendship which is prepared by our expert faculty teachers which is very useful for the students who need to study class 6 english ncert solutions. Chapter A Friend’s Prayer NCERT Solutions class 6 helps the students in preparing for examination. We have covered all the questions and answers of the A Friend’s Prayer class 6 english ncert textbook. Students can find all the questions answers of A Friend’s Prayer chapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

Summary of Unit 2 A Friend’s Prayer Class 6 English

About the Poet of A Friend's Prayer

Jill Wolf is a talented poet who writes about strong emotions and important ideas, like friendship, love, and the value of human connections. People of all ages enjoy her work because it is easy to relate to. Jill's poems focus on how relationships, especially friendships, make our lives better and shape who we are. She encourages readers to appreciate their friends and care for them with kindness and understanding. Her writing is simple and easy to understand, allowing readers to connect with her messages. Drawing from personal experiences, she shares the happiness and challenges of friendships, inspiring people to be good friends and treasure those around them.

Key Points of the Poem A Friend's Prayer

  • The poem is titled "A Friend's Prayer" by Jill Wolf.
  • It consists of three stanzas, each containing four lines.
  • The central theme revolves around the importance of friendship.
  • The speaker expresses a heartfelt wish to always prioritize friendships.
  • Throughout the poem, the speaker emphasizes the importance of supporting friends.
  • The poem conveys a desire to understand and love friends as they are.

Detailed Summary Stanza by Stanza for A Friend's Prayer

Stanza 1

May my friendships always be
The most important thing to me.
With special friends I feel I'm blessed,
So let me give my very best.

In this first stanza, the poet is telling us how important friends are to them. They want to always remember that friendships are very special and should be the top priority in their life. The poet feels lucky and blessed to have good friends. It’s like when you have a favorite toy that makes you really happy. The poet wants to try their best to be a good friend. Just like how you might share your toys or help your friends when they are sad, the poet wants to give their best to make their friends feel good and happy.

Stanza 2

I want to do much more than share
The hopes and plans of friends who care;
I'll try all that a friend can do
To make their wishes come true.

In this stanza, the poet says they want to do even more than just talk about dreams and plans with their friends. It’s nice to share stories, but the poet wants to be the kind of friend who helps make those dreams happen. Imagine if your friend wanted to build a big sandcastle; you would help them gather sand and build it together. The poet promises to do everything they can to help their friends get what they wish for, showing how much they care about their friends’ happiness and dreams.

Stanza 3

Let me use my heart to see,
To realise what friends can be,
And make no judgements from afar,
But love my friends the way they are.

In this stanza, the poet talks about using their heart to understand what friends really mean and how they can be great. This means the poet wants to feel what their friends feel and understand them better. It’s important to not judge or think bad things about friends just by looking at them from a distance. Instead, the poet wants to love their friends exactly as they are. It’s like when you have a friend who is different from you; you still love them because they make you happy, and they are special in their own way. The poet wants to remind us that everyone is unique and deserves love just for being themselves. 

Hindi Summary for A Friend's Prayer

यह कविता मित्रता की महत्वपूर्णता और सुंदरता को दर्शाती है। इसकी शुरुआत करने वाला कवि यह बताता है कि मित्रता जीवन में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण चीज है। वे विशेष मित्रों को पाकर धन्य महसूस करते हैं और वापसी में अपनी सर्वोत्तम प्रदान करने का वायदा करते हैं। कवि की इच्छा है कि वे केवल आशाओं और योजनाओं को साझा करने से ज्यादा करें; वे अपने सहानुभूति और प्यार के साथ अपने मित्रों की इच्छाओं को पूरा करने के लिए प्रयासरत हों। कविता दिल से देखने और समझने को बढ़ावा देती है, मित्रों के वास्तविक स्वरूप को समझने को और उन्हें निरंतर बिना निर्णय किए प्यार करने को।


  • The main theme of the poem is thevalue of friendship and the responsibilities that come with it.
  • It conveys that true friendship involves caring, support, and understanding for one another.
  • The poem emphasizes the importance of being present and actively participating in the lives of friends.


  • The message of the poem is that friendships are precious and should be cherished.
  • It teaches us that being a good friend means putting in effort to help and support friends.
  • The poem encourages readers to accept others without judgment and to love them for who they truly are.

Difficult Words

  • Friendship: A close relationship between friends where they care for each other.
  • Blessed: Feeling very happy and grateful.
  • Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of another person.
  • Judgment: An opinion or decision about someone or something.
  • Support: To help or assist someone in times of need.
  • Wishes: Hopes or desires for something to happen.
  • Plans: Arrangements made in advance for something to happen.
  • Kindness: The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
  • Understanding: The ability to comprehend something or someone deeply.
  • Acceptance: The act of receiving or allowing someone to be who they are.
  • Heart: The center of emotions and feelings, often associated with love.
  • True: Being genuine or real, not false or fake.
  • Effort: The energy and work put into doing something.
  • Care: To feel concern or interest for someone or something.
  • Active: Engaging in action and participation
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