Chapter 4 The unlikely Best Friends Summary for Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi

Summary of The unlikely Best Friends for Class 6 English is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from Unit 2 Friendship which is prepared by our expert faculty teachers which is very useful for the students who need to study class 6 english ncert solutions. Chapter The unlikely Best Friends NCERT Solutions class 6 helps the students in preparing for examination. We have covered all the questions and answers of the The unlikely Best Friends class 6 english ncert textbook. Students can find all the questions answers of The unlikely Best Friends chapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

Summary of Unit 2 The unlikely Best Friends Class 6 English

Key Points of the Story The unlikely Best Friends

  • Gajaraj, the elephant, lives in royal stables without friends. 
  • A stray dog enters the stable, and Gajaraj befriends him. 
  • The dog enjoys the elephant's company but is taken away by a farmer. 
  • Gajaraj and the dog refuse to eat, indicating their longing for each other. 
  • The dog returns to the elephant, and they happily reunite.

Detailed Summary for The unlikely Best Friends

Once upon a time, there was an elephant named Gajaraj who lived in the royal stables. The king loved Gajaraj dearly and made sure the elephant was well taken care of. Despite all the royal luxuries, Gajaraj felt lonely because he had no friends besides his kind mahout, the elephant trainer.

Elephant named Gajaraj with his Mahout

Gajaraj yearned for a companion to play with. One evening, a tired and hungry dog wandered into the stable. Seeing the dog's condition, Gajaraj nudged some food towards him in a friendly gesture. The dog, grateful for the meal, ate heartily and then fell asleep.

The next morning, the mahout discovered the dog in the stable and noticed Gajaraj's fondness for the new guest. He allowed the dog to stay, observing their budding friendship. The elephant and the dog started spending time together, with the dog even accompanying Gajaraj for his bath.

The dog accompanying Gajaraj for his bath

During the bath, Gajaraj playfully splashed water on the dog, who didn't enjoy getting wet. Despite this, the duo enjoyed each other's company, with the elephant even giving the dog a ride on his back, much to the dog's delight.

However, their happiness was short-lived when a passing farmer recognized the dog as his missing pet, Buntee. Although the mahout and the farmer were unaware of the strong bond between the two animals, the dog was taken away from his newfound friend.

Summary of The unlikely Best Friends Class 6 English

Gajaraj, visibly upset by the absence of his friend, refused to eat, worrying the mahout. Similarly, Buntee also refused food at the farmer's house, showing signs of missing his elephant companion.

Recognizing the deep friendship between the elephant and the dog, the farmer decided to let Buntee go back to Gajaraj. Upon reuniting, the two friends joyously embraced, much to the relief of the mahout and the farmer.

The mahout, touched by the bond between the animals, remarked how he had also found a friend in the farmer, highlighting the power of friendship and companionship.

The Unlikely Best Friends Summary in Hindi

यह एक दिल छूने वाली कहानी है जो दोस्ती के बारे में है। गजराज, राजकीय अश्वशाला में रहता था और उसे उसके महावत से प्यार और देखभाल मिलती थी, परंतु उसके पास कोई दोस्त नहीं था। एक दिन, एक थका हुआ और भूखा कुत्ता अश्वशाला में आ गया। गजराज ने उस कुत्ते के साथ अपना भोजन साझा किया। कुत्ते ने खुशी से उस भोजन को स्वीकार किया और जल्द ही गजराज से दोस्ती हो गई।

वे खुशहाल दिनों को साझा करते थे: गजराज हाथी तालाब में नहाता और कुत्ता उसे देखता रहता था, और वे पानी फेंकने का खेल भी खेलते थे। गजराज ने कुत्ते को अपनी पीठ पर सवारी भी दी, जिससे उन्हें दोनों को बहुत खुशी मिली। उनकी दोस्ती को अचानक विचलित किया गया जब कुत्ते के मालिक ने उसे पहचान लिया और उसे अपने साथ ले गया। गजराज और कुत्ता दोनों ही अपने अलगाव में बहुत व्याकुल थे। गजराज, अपने दुख में, भोजन से मना कर दिया, जिससे उसके महौत को बहुत चिंता हुई। वहीं, कुत्ता, अब अपने मालिक के पास लौट गया, वह भी खाने से मना कर रहा था, स्पष्ट रूप से अपने दोस्त की याद में।

कुत्ते का दुख देखकर प्रभावित होकर किसान ने उसे फिर से गजराज के पास लौटने दिया। कुत्ता तेजी से अश्वशाला लौट गया और गजराज के साथ खुश हो गया। महौत और किसान दोनों उन दोनों जानवरों के बीच के गहरे बंधन को देखकर खुश हो गए। उन्होंने मिलकर खुशी से एक साथ भोजन किया। कहानी में दोस्ती की ताकत और जानवरों के बीच का गहरा भावनात्मक संबंध प्रकट होता है, जो यह दिखाता है कि दोस्ती जीवन में आनंद और अर्थ लाने में कितनी महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती है।

Theme for The unlikely Best Friends

  • The main theme of the story is the importance of friendship. Gajaraj, despite having everything, feels sad until he finds a friend in the stray dog.
  • The story shows that friendship can come in unexpected ways. Gajaraj was lonely until the dog came into his life, proving that friends can be found anywhere.
  • Another important theme is kindness. Gajaraj's act of sharing food with the hungry dog shows how small acts of kindness can lead to new friendships.

Message from The unlikely Best Friends

The story also teaches us about love and care. The mahout takes good care of Gajaraj, but it is the bond of friendship that makes Gajaraj truly happy.

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