A Friend's Prayer Class 6 English Poorvi Question Answer

Extra Question Answer for A Friend's Prayer is provided by studyrankers experts. This is the fifth chapter of Class 6 English NCERT Textbook named Poorvi. We have also provided the chapter notes of A Friend's Prayer so that students will be able to understand the basics as well as depth knowledge of the chapter. This chapter is from the Unit 2 Friendship of class 6 English textbook. Also, NCERT Solutions for A Friend's Prayer help the students in performing well in the examination and getting good marks. This also help them answering the questions and answers from stories and poems of class 6 English Textbook. Chapter 5 A Friend's Prayer Question Answer is based on the latest syllabus as provided by CBSE.

Chapter 5 A Friend's Prayer Questions Answers Class 6 English

Short Question Answer

Question 1. What does the speaker promise to do for her friends?


The speaker promises to give her very best and make her friends’ wishes come true.

Question 2. What approach does the speaker want to take towards her friends?


The speaker wants to see her friends with her heart, understand what they can be, and accept them without judgement.

Question 3. How is the poet ready to help his friends?


The poet is ever ready to help his friend always and forever to make his all dreams come true.

Question 4. What type of friend makes you feel blessed?


A friend who is always ready to help you, when you are in need and can share your joys and sorrows makes you feel blessed.

Question 5. What does the poet say about friendship should be like?


Friendship should have unselfish feelings towards each other. It should not be judgemental. A friend should be accepted by the other with all the other’s negative and positive qualities.

Question 6. What is the most important thing according to the poet?


The most important thing for the poet is his friendship with a Special friend.

Question 7. With whom does the poet feel blessed?


The poet feels blessed with his special friends in life.

Question 8. What is the wish of the poet to do for his friend?


The poet wishes his friend to be always happy and successful in life.

Question 9. What does the speaker value the most in life according to the poem?


The speaker values friendships the most in life.

Question 10. How does the speaker feel about their special friends?


The speaker feels blessed to have special friends.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. What lessons can one learn from the speaker’s attitude towards friendships in the poem?


From the poem, one can learn the importance of valuing and cherishing friendships. The speaker exemplifies loyalty, dedication, and empathy towards her friends. She demonstrates the significance of actively supporting friends’ dreams and aspirations. Moreover, the poem teaches the lesson of acceptance and unconditional love, emphasizing the beauty of embracing friends for who they are without imposing judgements.

Question 2. Discuss the importance of friendships as portrayed in the poem.


The poem emphasizes that friendships are the most important aspect of the speaker’s life. She feels blessed to have special friends and is committed to nurturing these relationships. The speaker promises to go beyond just sharing hopes and plans; she wants to actively support her friends and make her wishes come true. This reflects the deep value the speaker places on friendship.

Question 3. Explain how the speaker plans to approach her friendships according to the poem.


The speaker plans to approach her friendships with genuine care and understanding. She aims to use her heart to see and realize the potential of her friends. Importantly, the speaker commits to loving her friends unconditionally, accepting them as they are without passing judgment from a distance. This approach underscores her sincere devotion to her friends’ well-being and happiness.

Extract Based Questions

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Extract 1

 May my friendships always be
The most important thing to me.
With special friends I feel I’m blessed.
So let me give my very best.


(a) How does the poet feel with her friends?

(b) What does she wish for to give her best? Why?

(c) Who is the poet of the poem?

(d) Write the opposite meaning word of ‘blessed’ as used in the stanza.


(a) The poet feels blessed with her friends.

(b) She wishes to give her best to keep her friendship for lifetime as it is the most important thing to her.

(c) Jill Wolf

(d) Cursed

Extract 2

I want to do much more than share
The hopes and plans of friends who care;
I’ll try all that a friend can do
To make their wishes come true.


    (a) What does the poet do to make her friends’ wishes be fulfilled?

    (b) The poet seems indifferent to her friends. State whether True or False.

    (c) Describe the duty of a true friend as mentioned in the stanza?

    (d) What does the phrase ‘come true’ mean as used in the stanza?


    (a) Caring

    (b) False (She is very caring for her friends.)

    (c) A true friend helps his/her friend(s) to achieve their goals rather than sharing their success. He/she must be there in every condition.

    (d) Come true means to be realized or fulfilled.

    Extract 3

    Let me use my heart to see,
    To realise what friends can be,
    And make no judgements from afar, 
    But love my friends the way they are.


    (a) Why does the poet wish to use her heart in friendship?

    (b) Does the poet want to change her friends? Why or why not?

    (c) What kind of relationship does the poet have with her friends? Why?

    (d) Choose the word from the stanza that is similar in meaning to Understand’.


    (a) The speaker wishes to use her heart than her words in friendship because feelings are more important in friendship than words.

    (b) The poet does not want to change her friends because she loves and accepts them as they are. It shows that the true friendship is based on feelings, love and understanding.

    (c) The poet shares a cordial relationship with her friends as she accepts them as they are and doesn’t wish to judge them.

    (d) Realise

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