Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her feet Class 6 English Poorvi NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for The Kites is provided by studyrankers experts. This is the fifteenth chapter of Class 6 English NCERT Textbook named Poorvi. We have also provided the chapter notes of Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her feet so that students will be able to understand the basics as well as depth knowledge of the chapter. This chapter is from the Unit 5 Culture and Tradition of class 6 English textbook. Also, extra questions of Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her feet help the students in performing well in the examination and getting good marks. This also help them answering the questions and answers from stories and poems of class 6 English Textbook. Chapter 15 Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her feet NCERT solutions is based on the latest syllabus as provided by CBSE.

Chapter 15 Ila Sachani: Embroidering Dreams with her feet NCERT Solutions Class 6 English

Page No. 151

Let us do these activities before we read

1. Look at the given picture and information. Discuss the questions with your teacher and classmates.

(a) Do you think Pranav’s task is simple? Why or why not?


No, Pranav’s task is not simple because he has to use alternative methods and overcome significant challenges to perform activities that most people do with their hands.

(b) How does Pranav’s special ability make you feel?


Pranav’s special ability is inspiring and makes me feel amazed at his determination and creativity.

(c) What qualities do you think were important for Pranav to become successful?


The qualities important for Pranav to become successful include determination, resilience, creativity, and a positive mindset.

(d) What message does Pranav’s story give us?


Pranav’s story gives us the message that with determination and hard work, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals.

2. Look at the picture of Kathiawar embroidery. Discuss in pairs.

(a) List the steps you think are needed to create this embroidery.


  1. Select the fabric.
  2. Draw the design on the fabric.
  3. Thread the needle.
  4. Start embroidering the design with the needle and thread.
  5. Add embellishments like mirrors or beads if desired.
  6. Finish the embroidery and trim any excess threads.

(b) Discuss if these steps can be done with feet, instead of hands.


Yes, these steps can be done with feet, but it requires a high level of skill and practice to achieve the precision needed for detailed embroidery.

(c) What efforts would be needed if someone has to embroider with their feet? Do you think it is possible?


The efforts needed would include developing dexterity and control with their feet, practicing threading the needle, and mastering the movements required for stitching. It is possible with dedication and perseverance, as demonstrated by Ila Sachani.

Page 155

Let us discuss

1. Read the paragraphs and write the main idea for each. Then, match the main idea with two supporting details.



Main Idea

Two Supporting Details


Introduction to Ila Sachani’s colourful embroidery

(i) Examples of embroidered things.

(ii) Ha’s use of shiny needle.


Early challenges and family support

(i) Ila struggled to balance her passion and duties

(ii) Her family encouraged her


Developing embroidery style

(i) Different stitches and patterns

(ii) traditional motifs


Selling locally

(i) Sale in local markets

(ii) Popularity through word of mouth


Expanding Market

(i) Orders from neighbouring cities

(ii) Used social media to attract customers


Recognition at a state exhibition

(i) Display at a state-level exhibition

(ii) won an award


Training more women

(i) Organised workshops

(ii) More women gained skills


Financial Independence

(i) Financial independence and joy

(ii) Challenges can be turned into victories

Page 156

Let us think and reflect

1. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.

Unlike other children, she could not use her hands in the usual way. While other small hands drew figures in the sand or plucked wild flowers, she wondered why she could not join them. She too wanted to hold a chalk in her hands and draw figures on a slate.

(a) Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

‘Unlike other children’ means that Ila was ______. (unaware/different/simple)


‘Unlike other children’ means that Ila was different.

(b) What could Ila have felt when she could not join others in things they did?


Ila could have felt sad, left out, and frustrated when she could not join others in activities that required the use of hands.

(c) Complete the following with a suitable reason.

Ila could not draw figures on the slate because _____.


Ila could not draw figures on the slate because she could not use her hands.

2. What creative ways did Ila and her family use to overcome the challenges she faced?


Ila and her family used creative ways such as teaching her to use her feet for embroidery, encouraging her to develop dexterity with her legs for everyday tasks, and supporting her learning of various embroidery styles.

3. How did ‘new independence’ help Ila?


The new independence helped Ila by allowing her to earn a regular income, gain recognition for her talent, and find joy in her work. It boosted her confidence and demonstrated her ability to overcome challenges.

4. Why was the first state exhibition an important event in Ila’s life?


The first state exhibition was important because it brought Ila’s talent to a wider audience, leading to increased recognition, admiration, and opportunities for her work to be purchased, thus transforming her life.

5. What does the sentence, ‘art has the power to rise above physical boundaries and touch the soul’, tell us about the power of art?


The sentence indicates that art transcends physical limitations and can deeply move and inspire people, highlighting the emotional and spiritual impact of artistic expression.

6. How can we be helpful and encouraging like Ila’s family and friends when someone faces challenges?


We can be helpful and encouraging by offering support, recognizing and nurturing their talents, providing opportunities for them to showcase their abilities, and maintaining a positive and motivating environment.

7. How can Ila’s story help others to overcome challenges in their lives?


Ila’s story can inspire others to persevere in the face of challenges, believe in their abilities, and understand that determination and hard work can lead to success and fulfilment despite obstacles.

Page 156, 157, 158

Let us Learn 

1. Read the words from the text given in Column A. Then, try to understand what they mean by reading the sentences in Column B. Now, match the word to its correct synonym in Column C. There are two extra synonyms given. You may refer to the dictionary.


Column A

Column B

Column C

Column D






The garden was tiny but the park was really big.




The wonderful artwork made everyone clap.




The quiet library was a better place to study than the noisy classroom.

happy small



Completing the Science homework was a challenging task as it had many questions.

difficult fantastic



We know that tough times can be overcome, if we try sincerely.



2. Unscramble the antonyms of the words in Column A. An example has been given for you.

Example: display – EDIH (HIDE )

(b) wonderful – REEBLITR (T_R_ _B_E)
(c) quiet – IYNSO (N _ _ _ _)
(d) task – SIAEMTP (P_ST_ _E)
(e) tough – SEYA (E _ _ _)
Use these antonyms in sentences of your own.


Example: display – EDIH (HIDE)

(a) tiny – EGHU (HUGE)
(b) wonderful – REEBLITR (TERRIBLE)
(c) quiet – IYNSO (NOISY)
(d) task – SIAEMTP (PASTIME)
(e) tough – SEYA (EASY)

Use these antonyms in sentences of your own.


  1. The huge elephant walked slowly through the jungle.
  2. The movie was terrible, and I didn’t enjoy it at all.
  3. The noisy children played outside the house.
  4. Solving the puzzle was simple for her.
  5. The easy task took only a few minutes to complete.

3. Read the sentences from the text and focus on the highlighted words.

  • You will see lots of bright colours.
  • There are many lovely things like cushions and bedcovers.
  • They taught her to createmany beautiful patterns using her feet!
  • She learned many
  • She received many

(a) The highlighted words tell us about the quantity. Choose what the words show.

(i) Unmentioned quantity
(ii) Large quantity


The highlighted words are lots, many, many, many, many.
These words indicate a large quantity.

(b) Let us now understand what words of quantity tell us.

Fill in the blanks to complete an example for each word of quantity. Hints are given in the brackets.

Now, create two sentences for each word of quantity (i-vi), and share them with your teacher and classmates.



We saw ten buses on the road.

(countable noun)


How much milk do you want?

(uncountable noun)


There is more milk needed.

(uncountable noun)


I need two examples.

(countable noun)


I have less energy left. She picked many flowers.

(countable noun and uncountable noun)


I ate more rice.

(uncountable noun)

Sentences for each word of quantity:

(i) Many

  • We saw many birds flying in the sky.
  • There are many books on the shelf.

(ii) Much

  • How much sugar do you need for the recipe?
  • There Isn’t much time left to finish the project.

(iii) Some

  • I need some help with my homework.
  • Can you give me some advice on this matter?

(iv) A few

  • I have a few friends coming over for dinner.
  • There are only a few cookies left in the jar.

(v) Little/Some

  • I have little patience for rudeness.
  • She has some experience in teaching.

(vi) Some

  • I ate some pasta for lunch.
  • There is some water in the bottle.

Page 158

Let us Listen

You will listen to a talk about Kathiawar embroidery. As you listen, circle the correct option.

(a) Form

(i) old
(ii) new


(i) old

(b) Colours

(i) soft
(ii) bright


(ii) bright

(c) Stitches

(i) running stitch
(ii) chain stitch


(ii) chain stitch

(d) Seen on

(i) children’s caps
(ii) pants


(i) children’s caps

(e) Things used

(i) small mirrors
(ii) shapes of buttons


(i) small mirrors

(f) Designs

(i) elephants and horses
(ii) squares and triangles


(i) elephants and horses

Page 159

Let us speak

In pairs, write down two questions you would like to ask Ila Sachani.
(a) Look at two examples.

Where were you born?
Did you go to school?

The Yes/No questions use a rising tone at the end.

(b) Speak the example questions aloud as a peer activity at least five times.

(c) Now, take turns to ask your questions to another classmate.
Speak clearly and with the correct rising tone as shown in (a).


(a)Here are two questions I might ask Ila Sachani:
How did you learn to use your feet for embroidery?
Did you ever feel like giving up? How did you stay motivated?

(b) This is an activity. So, do yourself in the presence of your teacher.

(c) This is an activity. So, do it yourself.

Page 159

Let us explore

1. Does anyone in your family or neighborhood do embroidery? Find out what type of embroidery they do and how they learned it.


Family or Neighbourhood Embroidery:

Ask around in your family or neighborhood if anyone does embroidery. If you find someone, ask them these questions:

  • What type of embroidery do you do?
  • How did you learn it?
  • Can you show me some of your work?

2. Try a simple stitch on cloth with the guidance of a family member.


With the help of a family member, try a simple stitch on a piece of cloth. Here’s a basic guide:

  • Choose a piece of fabric and an embroidery needle.
  • Select a thread color you like.
  • Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread.
  • Try a simple stitch like the running stitch:
  • Insert the needle from the back of the fabric to the front.
  • Make a small stitch by inserting the needle back into the fabric a short distance away.
  • Continue making evenly spaced stitches along the line you want to embroider.
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