Chapter 16 National War Memorial Summary for Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi

Summary of National War Memorial for Class 6 English is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from Unit 5 Culture and Tradition which is prepared by our expert faculty teachers which is very useful for the students who need to study class 6 english ncert solutions. Chapter National War Memorial NCERT Solutions class 6 helps the students in preparing for examination. We have covered all the questions and answers of the National War Memorial class 6 english ncert textbook. Students can find all the questions answers of National War Memorialchapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

Summary of Unit 5 National War Memorial Class 6 English

About the Poet of the Poem National War Memorial

The poet of the National War Memorial poem remains unidentified, but the verses are attributed to a creator who reveres the sacrifices made by soldiers in service of their nation. The poet's work commemorates the valour and dedication of these individuals, highlighting the eternal flame of remembrance that burns at the heart of the poem.

Key Points of the Poem

  • The poem consists of six stanzas, each conveying a message of respect and remembrance.
  • It highlights the significance of the National War Memorial, a place dedicated to honouring soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.
  • The poem emphasizes unity, as it mentions soldiers standing "side by side" for Bharat.
  • It portrays the eternal flame as a symbol of the courage and memory of those who served.
  • The recurring theme of sacrifice is evident, urging readers to remember and honour these brave individuals.
  • The tone of the poem is respectful and solemn, creating an atmosphere of reflection and gratitude.

National War Memorial and Amar Jawan Jyoti

Detailed Summary of the Poem National war Memorial

Stanza 1

In Bharat’s heartland, a grand sight to behold,
The National War Memorial, honours brave stories retold.

In this stanza, the poet is telling us about a very special place called the National War Memorial. It is located in Bharat, which is another name for India. This place is really big and beautiful, and it is very important because it reminds us of all the brave people who fought to protect our country. The poet wants us to know that this memorial is not just a building; it holds many stories about heroes who were very courageous. These stories are told again and again so that everyone remembers how these brave people helped keep us safe. The word "grand" means that it is very impressive and makes people feel proud when they see it.

Stanza 2

With respect and grace, it stands with pride,
Each name etched, each stone, each story to confide.

In this stanza, the poet tells us how the memorial stands tall and strong, showing respect and grace. "Respect" means that we honour and admire those who have done something wonderful. The memorial is filled with names of the brave heroes who we should remember. When the poet says "each name etched," it means that the names are carved into stones so that they will never be forgotten. The stones hold many stories, just like a book. The poet wants us to understand that every name on those stones is special and tells us about a person who did something very brave for our country. This makes the memorial a place where we can go to learn and remember these important stories.

Stanza 3

From battle fields to skies, and to oceans wide,
They stand for Bharat, side by side.

This stanza tells us about the different places where these brave heroes fought. "Battle fields" are places where soldiers fight in wars, and "skies" can mean places where pilots fly planes. "Oceans wide" tells us that some heroes even fought on the seas. The phrase "they stand for Bharat, side by side" means that all these heroes are united together, just like friends standing together. They fought for the safety and freedom of India. The poet wants us to know that no matter where they were—on land, in the air, or in the water—they all had the same goal: to protect our country and keep it safe. This shows how brave and strong they were, working together for a common purpose.

Stanza 4

The eternal flame, in silence it glows,
Paying homage to their courage that shows.

In this stanza, the poet talks about a special flame that is always burning at the memorial. This flame is called the "eternal flame," which means it never goes out. It shines quietly, and its light is a way to honour the brave heroes. "Homage" is a word that means showing respect and admiration. When the flame burns, it reminds us of the courage of those who fought for our country. The poet wants us to think about how brave these heroes were, and the flame serves as a symbol of their bravery. Even though they are not with us anymore, the flame keeps their spirit alive, reminding us every day of their sacrifices.

Stanza 5

Their sacrifice, always in our mind,
In blessed memory, forever remind.

Here, the poet tells us that we should always remember the sacrifices made by these heroes. "Sacrifice" means that they gave up a lot, including their lives, to keep us safe. The poet says that their sacrifice should always be in our minds, which means we should think about them often and appreciate what they did for us. "Blessed memory" means that we think of these heroes in a good and special way. The word "forever" tells us that we should remember them for a very long time, even as time goes on. This stanza is a gentle reminder that we should never forget their bravery and what they did for our country.

Stanza 6

With pride and respect, let’s always remember,
At the National War Memorial, their sacrifice forever.

In this final stanza, the poet encourages everyone to remember the heroes with pride and respect. "Pride" means feeling good about something, and "respect" means honouring someone for what they have done. The poet wants us to visit the National War Memorial and think about the sacrifices of these brave people. By remembering them, we show that we care and appreciate their bravery. The word "forever" again reminds us that this is not just for today but for all time. The poet hopes that we will always keep these memories alive and teach others about the heroes who fought for our safety and freedom.

Theme of the Poem National War Memorial

  • Remembrance and Honour: The poem emphasizes the importance of remembering and honouring the sacrifices of soldiers.
  • Patriotism and National Pride: It celebrates the patriotism and pride associated with serving the nation.

Message from the Poem National War Memorial

  • Sacrifice and Courage: The poem communicates the themes of sacrifice and courage that define the soldiers' actions and legacy.
  • Eternal Memory: It underscores the idea of eternal remembrance, ensuring that the soldiers' sacrifices are never forgotten.

Difficult Words

  • Sacrifice: The act of giving up something valued for the greater good.
  • Valour: Great courage in the face of danger.
  • Confide: To trustfully share private thoughts or feelings.
  • Homage: Special honour or respect shown publicly.
  • Remind: To cause someone to remember something.
  • Reverence: Deep respect for someone or something.
  • Patriotism: Love and devotion for one's country.
  • Eternal: Lasting forever or for a very long time.
  • Memorial: Something designed to preserve the memory of a person or event.
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