The Unlikely Best Friends Class 6 English Poorvi Question Answer

Extra Question Answer for The Unlikely Best Friends is provided by studyrankers experts. This is the fourth chapter of Class 6 English NCERT Textbook named Poorvi. We have also provided the chapter notes of The Unlikely Best Friends so that students will be able to understand the basics as well as depth knowledge of the chapter. This chapter is from the Unit 2 Friendship of class 6 English textbook. Also, NCERT Solutions for The Unlikely Best Friends help the students in performing well in the examination and getting good marks. This also help them answering the questions and answers from stories and poems of class 6 English Textbook. Chapter 4 The Unlikely Best Friends Question Answer is based on the latest syllabus as provided by CBSE.

Chapter 4 The Unlikely Best Friends Questions Answers Class 6 English

Short Question Answer

Question 1. What was the dog’s reaction when the farmer took him away from his friend?


The dog cried in distress when the farmer took him away from his friend, the elephant.

Question 2. How did Gajaraj initially react to the dog’s presence in the stable?


Gajaraj pushed some of his food towards the dog to offer him hospitality.

Question 3. What name did the farmer call the dog?


The farmer called the dog Buntee.

Question 4. What did the farmer do when he realized Buntee missed Gajaraj?


The farmer removed Buntee’s rope, allowing him to return to Gajaraj, and followed him to the stable.

Question 5. How did Gajaraj and the dog celebrate their reunion?


Gajaraj picked up Buntee with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing, showing his happiness.

Question 6. Why was Gajaraj sad despite living in royal stables?


Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends to share his life with, only interacting with the mahout who, though kind, was not a companion.

Question 7. How did Gajaraj react when the dog was taken away by the farmer?


Gajaraj was heartbroken and stopped eating, indicating his deep sadness at the separation from his friend.

Question 8. What did the mahout say about the friendship between Gajaraj and the dog?


The mahout remarked that it wasn’t only Gajaraj who had found a friend (the dog), but he had also found a friend in the farmer.

Question 9. How did Gajaraj first meet the dog?


Gajaraj first met the dog when the tired and hungry stray dog wandered into the stable one late evening, and Gajaraj shared his food with him.

Question 10. Why was Gajaraj sad despite living in royal comfort?


Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends. Despite being well looked after by the king and his caretaker, the mahout, Gajaraj longed for companionship beyond his interactions with them.

Question 11. How did the mahout and the farmer feel at the end of the story?


The mahout and the farmer felt satisfied and happy seeing the two friends reunited and eating; together. They also developed a friendship themselves.

Question 12. What did the mahout notice about Gajaraj’s behaviour towards the stray dog?


The mahout noticed that Gajaraj seemed to enjoy the company of the stray dog.

Question 13. Why did the elephant refuse to eat initially?


The elephant, named Gajaraj, refused to eat because he was missing his friend “Buntee”, the dog.

Question 14. What did the mahout and the farmer do while Gajaraj and Buntee ate?


They watched with satisfaction and realized that not only had Gajaraj found a friend, but they too had found friendship in each other.

Question 15. What did the mahout do when he realized Gajaraj wasn’t eating?


The mahout checked Gajaraj’s health by checking Gajaraj’s tummy with his hands but found nothing wrong.

Question 16. How did the farmer react when he saw that Buntee (the dog) wasn’t eating at his home?


The farmer suspected that Buntee was missing his friend. He decided to let the dog go back to his friend, the elephant.

Question 17. What was the resolution at the end of the story?


At the end of the story, the dog (Buntee) and the elephant (Gajaraj) are reunited, and both are seen happily eating together, thanks to the understanding and compassion shown by the farmer and the mahout.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Describe the bond that formed between Gajaraj and the stray dog. How did their friendship affect their well-being?


Gajaraj and the stray dog formed a bond when Gajaraj shared his food with the hungry dog. The dog started accompanying Gajaraj in his daily activities, such as bathing, where they played together.

This companionship brought joy and alleviated Gajaraj’s loneliness. However, when the dog was taken away by the farmer, both Gajaraj and the dog were deeply affected and refused to eat out of sadness. Their reunion brought back their happiness and appetite, illustrating the profound impact of their friendship on their well-being.

Question 2. Analyze the role of the mahout and the farmer in supporting the friendship between Gajaraj and Buntee. What does their behavior tell us about empathy and understanding?


The mahout and the farmer played crucial roles in supporting Gajaraj and Buntee’s friendship. The mahout, though initially unaware of the depth of their bond, quickly noticed Gajaraj’s distress and linked it to the dog’s absence. The farmer, upon seeing Buntee’s sadness, empathized and allowed him to return to Gajaraj.

Their actions show a deep sense of empathy and understanding, recognizing the emotional needs of the animals and prioritizing their well-being. This behavior underscores the importance of compassion and the recognition that animals too form meaningful relationships.

Question 3. How does the story of Gajaraj and Buntee illustrate the theme of friendship transcending species boundaries? Provide examples from the story to support your answer.


The story of Gajaraj and Buntee illustrates the theme of friendship transcending species boundaries through their mutual care and joy in each other’s company. Despite being an elephant and a dog, they formed a close bond: Gajaraj shared his food with the stray dog, and Buntee accompanied Gajaraj in his daily routines.

Their distress during separation and joy upon reunion highlight the depth of their friendship. Additionally, the human characters, the mahout and the farmer, recognize and support this bond, further emphasizing that true friendship can exist beyond species differences.

Question 4. The mahout and the farmer are happy to see the friendship of Gajaraj and Buntee. Both of them have a similar personality. Describe in your own words the similarities between the mahout and the farmer.


The farmer and the mahout share several similarities. Both of them are kind-hearted and empathetic.

Both the farmer and the mahout loved the animals under their care. The farmer was worried about his missing dog, Buntee, and was overjoyed to find him. Similarly, the mahout was worried about Gajaraj and wanted to know the cause of his sadness.

They understood the deep friendship between Gajaraj and Buntee. The farmer let him return to his friend. The mahout, too, recognized that Gajaraj was missing his friend. The farmer willingly parted with his beloved dog for the happiness of both the animals. Both the farmer and the mahout understood the importance of friendship.

By the end of the story, the farmer and the mahout also become good friends.

Question 5. You have read the lesson ‘The Unlikely Friendship’. Now, express your views on the ‘Significance of Friendship’ in about 80 -100 words.


Friendship holds immense significance in our lives, as depicted in the story The Unlikely Friendship’. True friendship provides emotional support and a sense of belonging. Gajaraj, despite receiving royal treatment, felt lonely until he found a friend. Their bond brought joy and they found happiness in it and they loved every activity they did together. Friendship overcomes differences.

Empathy, loyalty, and the importance of being there for one another make the friendship stronger. ‘Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything, said Muhammad Ali, the great champion. Friends are one of the greatest treasures in life so we must always cherish our friendship.

Question 6. How did the mahout care for Gajaraj, and why was he not considered a friend?


The mahout took care of Gajaraj by serving him food and giving him daily baths in the elephant pond. He was a kind caretaker but not considered a friend because their relationship did not involve companionship beyond basic care. Gajaraj desired emotional connection and companionship that the mahout, despite his kindness, could not provide.

Extract Based Questions

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Extract 1

“I wish I had a friend I can play with,” thought Gajaraj. One late evening, a dog strayed into the stable. Gajaraj could see that the visitor was tired and hungry. He pushed some of the food he was munching towards the dog. The visitor wagged his tail, looked up at the elephant to convey his thanks, and then turned his full attention to the food in front of him. As soon as he finished eating, he fell asleep.


(a) Why did Gajaraj wish for a friend?

(b) What did Gajaraj offer to the dog and why?

(d) What happened when the dog finished the food?

(c) Why did the dog wag his tail?


(a) Gajaraj was alone so he wished for a friend to play with.

(b) Gajaraj offered the dog some of his food because it was tired and hungry.

(c) The dog wagged its tail to convey its thanks to Gajaraj because he gave it his food.

(d) After finishing the food, the dog fell asleep.

Extract 2

When the elephant went out for a bath, the dog accompanied his friend. Plunging into the water, the elephant gave himself a shower using his long trunk, as the dog watched. The elephant took a trunkful of water and playfully splashed the water on his friend. The dog yelped for he hated taking showers. The mahout laughed.


(a) Who were the friends as mentioned in the passage?

(b) How did the elephant give himself a shower?

(c) What did the elephant do to the dog?

(d) Why did the dog yelp?


(a) The elephant and the dog are the friends as mentioned in the passage.

(b) The elephant gave himself a shower using his long trunk.

(c) The elephant playfully splashed a trunkful of water on the dog.

(d) The dog yelped for he hated taking showers.

Extract 3

Only when the farmer pulled the rope did the dog realise that he was being taken, away from his friend. He yelped, the elephant winced, but neither the farmer nor the mahout noticed that the two friends were in tears.

The next day at lunch time the mahout served Gajaraj his favourite food. When the mahout came back after finishing his other chores, he was surprised to see that the food had remained untouched.


(a) Why did the. dog and the elephant become sad?

(b) What was the reaction of the farmer and the mahout on their separation?

(c) What did the mahout give Gajaraj the next day?

(d) Why was the mahout surprised?


(a) The dog and the elephant became sad when they realised that they were being separated.

(b) The farmer and the mahout did not notice the bond between the animals. So, they were unaffected by their separation.

(c) The mahout gave Gajaraj his favourite food the next day at lunch time.

(d) The mahout was surprised to see that Gajaraj had not eaten anything since last night.

Extract 4

“Why Gajaraj, aren’t you hungry?” he asked concerned. The elephant did not react. “He may have slight indigestion. Let me not force him to eat,” thought the mahout.

That night too, Gajaraj did not touch his food— nor the next day. Now, the mahout was worried. He ran his hand on Gajaraj’s tummy and felt there was nothing wrong. “Why was he not eating then? Is he missing his friend, that dog?” the mahout wondered.

Meanwhile at the farmer’s house, the dog had also not touched his food ever since he was brought home.


(a) What did the mahout think when he saw the untouched food?

(b) Why did the mahout check Gajaraj’s tummy?

(c) Why was the elephant not eating even his favourite food?

(d) What was the dog’s reaction after the separation?


(a) When the mahout saw the untouched food, he thought that Gajaraj might have indigestion.

(b) The mahout was worried because Gajaraj had not eaten anything from last two days and checked his tummy if something was wrong.

(c) The elephant was badly missing his friend, the dog. So, he did not eat even his favourite food.

(d) Like Gajaraj, Buntee had also not eaten anything after they got separated.

Extract 5

The elephant picked up the dog with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing. The mahout was relieved. He quickly brought the food. “Both of you eat first,” he said.

By then the farmer who had followed the dog, joined him. The two of them watched with satisfaction the two friends eating food. “It’s not only Gajaraj who has found a friend,” said the mahout hugging the farmer, “I’ve also found one.”


(a) What did Gajaraj do to see Buntee?

(b) Why was the mahout relieved?

(c) Why did the farmer and the mahout become satisfied?

(d) Who became friends at the end?


(a) Gajaraj picked up Buntee with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing.

(b) The mahout was relieved to see Gajaraj happy and brought him the food to eat.

(c) The farmer and the mahout became satisfied to see Gajaraj and Buntee eating food as they have been reunited.

(d) Like the elephant and the dog, the mahout and the farmer also became friends at the end.

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