Chapter 12 Yoga- A Way of Life Summary for Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi

Summary of Yoga- A Way of Life for Class 6 English is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from Unit 4 Sports and Wellness which is prepared by our expert faculty teachers which is very useful for the students who need to study class 6 english ncert solutions. Chapter Yoga- A Way of Life NCERT Solutions class 6 helps the students in preparing for examination. We have covered all the questions and answers of the Yoga- A Way of Life class 6 english ncert textbook. Students can find all the questions answers of Yoga- A Way of Life chapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

Summary of Unit 4 Yoga- A Way of Life Class 6 English

Key Points of the Story Yoga- A Way of Life

  • Yoga is a practice originating from ancient India, focusing on the unity of mind and body.
  • Sage Patanjali systematized yoga in the'Yoga Sutras of Patanjali' to quiet the mind.
  • Yoga has gained global popularity due to its numerous health benefits.
  • Benefits of yoga include physical fitness, pain reduction, stress relief, improved sleep, concentration, immune system, heart health, weight loss, and overall well-being.
  • The World Health Organisation launched the mYoga app to promote yoga practice worldwide.
  • Yoga requires coordination of body, breath, and awareness for a truly yogic practice.
Children doing Yoga

Detailed Summary for Yoga- A way of Life

Yoga is a special practice that helps us in many ways. It is not just about bending and stretching our bodies; it is also about calming our minds and feeling good inside. Yoga comes from a very old place called India, and the word "Yoga" comes from a Sanskrit word "yuj," which means to join or unite. This means that yoga helps connect our body and mind, making them work together in harmony. It also helps us feel connected to nature around us.

A wise man named Patanjali wrote down the ideas of yoga a long time ago in a book called the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali." In this book, he explained that yoga can help make our minds quiet and free from distractions. This means that when we practice yoga, we learn how to focus better and let go of our worries. Many people all around the world have started to practice yoga because it has many wonderful benefits.

  • One important benefit of yoga is that it helps our bodies become stronger and more flexible. When we do yoga postures, which are special body positions called asanas, we stretch our muscles. This stretching makes our muscles longer and more flexible, which helps us move better and feel less pain, especially in places like our lower back.
  • Yoga also teaches us how to breathe properly and to meditate. Breathing techniques help us calm down and feel less stressed and anxious. When we focus on our breath, it relaxes our minds and helps us sleep better. This practice can also help us concentrate more on our tasks and studies.
  • Another great thing about yoga is that it helps our bodies stay healthy. It can make our hearts stronger by lowering blood pressure, which is how hard our blood pushes against our veins. When we do yoga, our blood flows better, which is good for our overall health.
  • People who practice yoga can also lose weight. This happens because yoga helps burn calories, which are tiny bits of energy in our food. When we move our bodies in yoga, we can keep our weight healthy and feel good about ourselves.
  • Most importantly, yoga helps us feel happy and content. It teaches us to take care of ourselves, both inside and out. This is why yoga is recognized around the world as a helpful practice.

On June 20, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) took a big step to help people practice yoga. They launched an app called WHO mYoga. This app is like a little helper that gives us videos and audio files to teach us how to do yoga. It is easy to use and free, so everyone can try it and enjoy yoga, no matter where they are in the world.

WHO mYoga app

Now, let’s talk about how to start practicing yoga. The great thing about yoga is that we can begin at any time. There are no special rules about when we should start. When we practice yoga, we should remember that it is not just about stretching our bodies; our minds must be with us too. This means that we should focus and not let anything distract us while we are doing yoga.

For example, when we do a yoga pose, we should think about how our body feels and how we are breathing. If we can move our bodies and breathe together, we turn our practice into a true yogic experience. This is what makes yoga special. It is not just about the moves; it is about how we feel inside while we are doing them.

Theme of Yoga- A Way of Life

  • Unity of Mind and Body
  • Global Recognition of Yoga
  • Holistic Well-being

Message from Yoga- A way of Life

  • Yoga promotes harmony between mind and body, reflecting in overall well-being.
  • Global acceptance of yoga showcases its universal appeal and effectiveness.
  • Through yoga, individuals can achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance.

Difficult Words

  • Yoga: A practice that includes physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.
  • Sanskrit: An ancient language of India, in which many religious texts are written.
  • Unity: The state of being one or together, not separated.
  • Asanas: The physical postures or positions used in yoga practice.
  • Meditation: A practice of focusing the mind to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
  • Mindfulness: The quality of being aware and present in the moment.
  • Holistic: Considering the whole person, including physical, mental, and social factors.
  • Well-being: A state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
  • Patanjali: An ancient sage who is credited with writing the foundational texts of yoga.
  • Distractions: Things that prevent someone from concentrating or focusing.
  • Awareness: The state of being conscious of something and understanding it.
  • Circulation: The movement of blood through the body, which is important for health.
  • Endurance: The ability to withstand difficult conditions or to last for a long time.
  • Flexibility: The ability to bend easily without breaking, important for physical movements.
  • Stress: A feeling of emotional or physical tension, often caused by challenging situations.
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