The Kites Class 6 English Poorvi Important Questions

Extra Question Answer for The Kites is provided by studyrankers experts. This is the fourteenth chapter of Class 6 English NCERT Textbook named Poorvi. We have also provided the chapter notes of The Kites so that students will be able to understand the basics as well as depth knowledge of the chapter. This chapter is from the Unit 5 Culture and Tradition of class 6 English textbook. Also, NCERT Solutions for The Kites help the students in performing well in the examination and getting good marks. This also help them answering the questions and answers from stories and poems of class 6 English Textbook. Chapter 14 The Kites Question Answer is based on the latest syllabus as provided by CBSE.

Chapter 14 The Kites Questions Answers Class 6 English

Short Question Answer

Question 1. What is simile? Choose an example from the poem.


Simile is a poetic device. With this poetic device we compare two things on a certain point.
The words–like and as–help us make these comparisons. The word, light as air’ is an example from the poem.

Question 2. Why has the poet written this poem?


The poet is a child in the poem. He describes his love for watching kites fly in the sky.

Question 3. Why does the poet compare the kites to the coloured birds?


The cover of the kites is made of coloured papers. They fly in the sky and they seem as the colourful birds flying in the sky.

Question 4. What is alliteration? Give an example from the poem.


Some words in the poem start with the same consonant sound. This is called alliteration. The word, ‘stand and stare’ is an example of this poetic device.

Question 5. Why does the poet want to float away to the kite wings?


The poet wants to hear the songs that the wild wind sings. He could hear this song sitting at the kite wings only.

Question 6. What is the poet’s wish?


The poet wants to join the kites by climbing onto one of them. Thus, he will be able to sail through the air.

Question 7. How does the repetition of ‘high’ in the poem help the poet?


The poet wants to show the joy of flying high in the sky. The repetition of “high’ helps him to indicate his height in the sky.

Question 8. ‘I wish I were small’. What wish of the poet does this line reveal?


The poet wants to become a small child with light body. He will be able to climb onto one of the kites and sail through the air.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1. What dream of the poet does this poem describe?


The poet wants to become a child. He has a desire to climb onto one of kites and sail through the air. He will sit on the kite wing and hear the songs that the wind sings. He will also get chance to look down over the parks and rooftops of the town. He will have surprising moments. The people below will look at him with excitement. They will also desire to sit on a kite and float in the sky like the poet.

Question 2. How does the poet’s mood change when he watches the kite fly in the sky?


The poet watches kites fly in the sky. He likes the scene very much. He wants to become a child. He also wants to become light as air. He will be able to climb onto one of the kites. He will float to the kite wings and hear the songs. He loves to hear the songs that wind sings. He will sail through the air and enjoy the beautiful scenes of parks and rooftops of houses. Even the people below will watch him with excitement.

Extract Based Questions

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Extract 1

Up in the air
See the kites fly,
Like coloured birds
In the wind-whipped sky.

Question 1. How is the sky described in the lines?

(a) windy
(b) funny
(c) cloudy
(d) bright


(a) windy

Question 2. What does the child compare the kites to?


The child compares the kites to the coloured birds.

Question 3. Complete the sentence with a word.

In the windy sky the kites appear ………


very beautiful.

Question 4. True or False.

Children are very fond of watching kites.



Extract 2

I wish I were small
And light as air,
I would climb on a kite.
And sail up there.

Question 1. Choose the correct option.

‘I wish I were small’. The line shows the poet’s ……

(a) success
(b) desire
(c) intelligence
(d) innocence


(b) desire

Question 2. What kind of body does the poet desire to have in the line?


In the above lines, the poet desires to have a light body.

Question 3. Complete the sentence with a word.

The tree will help the poet …….. onto the kite.



Question 4. True or False

The poet likes freedom like the trees.


False, the poet likes freedom like the kites.

Extract 3

What fun it would be
To look right down,
Over the park
And the rooftops of town.

Question 1. Choose the correct option.

What would the poet watch from the sky?

(a) parks
(b) treetops
(c) rooftops
(d) both (a) and (b)


(d) both (a) and (b)

Question 2. What would be fun for the poet?


The poet would watch parks and rooftops from the above. It would be fun for him.

Question 3. Complete the sentence with a word.

The poet seems to be a …… child.


fun loving.

Question 4. True or False

Rooftops indicate that the town has high buildings.


True, high buildings have high rooftops.

Extract 4

The people below
Would stand and stare,
And wish they were me
High, high in the air.

Question 1. Choose the correct option.

How will the people below feel about the poet?

(a) surprised
(b) funny
(c) horrified
(d) praiseworthy


(d) praiseworthy

Question 2. Why is the word, high’ repeated in the above extract?


The word, ‘high’ helps us know about the height of the kite

Question 3. Complete the sentence with a word.

The words that rhyme with each other are …


stare and air.

Question 4. True or False.

People below also have desire to fly in the sky like the child.



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