What a Bird Thought Class 6 English Poorvi Important Questions

Extra Question Answer for What a Bird Thought is provided by studyrankers experts. This is the eighth chapter of Class 6 English NCERT Textbook named Poorvi. We have also provided the chapter notes of What a Bird Thought so that students will be able to understand the basics as well as depth knowledge of the chapter. This chapter is from the Unit 3 Nurturing Nature of class 6 English textbook. Also, NCERT Solutions for What a Bird Thought help the students in performing well in the examination and getting good marks. This also help them answering the questions and answers from stories and poems of class 6 English Textbook. Chapter 8 What a Bird Thought Question Answer is based on the latest syllabus as provided by CBSE.

Chapter 8 What a Bird Thought Questions Answers Class 6 English

Short Question Answer

Question 1. How was the nest of the bird?


The nest was small and made up of straw.

Question 2. What was the colour of the shells?


The shells in the nest were blue.

Question 3. Do you think that the bird was happy to leave her nest and fly, why do you think so?


The baby bird had grown up and was full of energy to fly and enjoy and discover the world all over.

Question 4. What was the shape of the nest?


The shape of the nest was round.

Question 5. What did the bird see around the nest and beyond the tree?


The bird saw a tree around its nest with leaves and beyond the tree it found the blue sky.

Question 6. Describe the first little house of the bird.


The first little house of the bird was small, round and made up of pale-blue shell.

Long Answer Questions

Question 1. You must have seen an egg of hen. Describe it.


I saw eggs in my home because my elder brother likes to eat omelette. The shape of an egg is oval. It looks white. There is yolk of yellow colour inside an egg. The yellow yolk becomes a chick when it hatches.

Question 2. In this poem, the poet describes different types of home of the baby bird. What is the difference between a house and a home? Which do you think is better?


A house is a lifeless structure of bricks and stones, wood and glass. It has tile floors, chimneys and so many doors. But it has no feelings, no voice.

Home should not be confused with a house. It is altogether different from a house. It consists of living beings, a group of loving and “helpful brothers and sisters, mother and father. They care for each other unselfishly. They are kind and sharing. A home is much better than a mere house.

Extract Based Questions

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow choosing the best option from among the given ones.

Extract 1

I lived first in a little house,
And lived there very well,
I thought the world was small and round,
And made of pale, blue shell.


(a) Where did the baby bird live in first?

(b) How did it feel in a shell?

(c) Why did it think the world to be small?

(d) According to the baby bird, what was made of pale, blue shell?


(a) The baby bird first lived in a shell.

(b) It felt very well in a shell.

(c) It thought world to be small because it lived in a small shell.

(d) The baby bird thought that world is made of pale, blue shell.

Extract 2

I lived next in a little nest,
Nor needed any other,
I thought the world was made of straw,
And nestled by my mother.


(a) What was the Second home of the baby bird?

(b) What was its first home?

(c) Why did it think that the world was made of straw?

(d) Who looked after the baby bird?


(a) The baby bird’s second home was the nest.

(b) A shell was its first home.

(c) The baby bird thought so because it never came out of its nest.

(d) Its mother looked after it.

Extract 3

One day, I fluttered from my nest,
To see what I could find,
I said the world was made of leaves
I have been very blind.

1. From where did the bird fly?

(a) sky
(b) river
(c) nest
(d) tree


(c) nest

2. What did she feel the world to be made of before she flew?

(a) tree
(b) leaves
(c) wool
(d) straw


(b) leaves

3. Why the bird flew?

(a) to see the world
(b) to see what she could find
(c) to see the people
(d) to see the nature


(b) to see what she could find

4. What did the bird thought of herself?

(a) she was small
(b) she was deaf
(c) she was blind
(d) she was old


(c) she was blind

Extract 4

At length I flew beyond the tree,
Quite fit for grown-up labours,
I don’t know how the world is made,
And neither do my neighbours.


(a) Now, where did the bird fly?

(b) How did the bird feel to see the world?

(c) Who is fit for moving in the vast world?

(d) What does the bird not know?


(a) Now, the bird flew beyond the tree.

(b) The bird was shocked to see the vast world.

(c) Grown-up is fit for moving in the vast world.

(d) The bird does not know how the world is made.

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