Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance NCERT Revision Notes Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Notes of Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance for Class 6 SST is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from NCERT Textbook for Class 6 Science named Exploring Society India and Beyond. This textbook is published by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training). Class 6 Social Science Textbook published by NCERT is prescribed for CBSE students. Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance is very helpful in understanding the chapter clearly and in easy manner. Students can also find NCERT Solutions for Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance on this website for their reference. It is very helpful for class 6 students in preparing for the examination. We have covered all the important points and topics of the Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance chapter of class 6 SST ncert textbook. Students can also find all the questions answers of Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance chapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

NCERT Notes for Chapter 10 Grassroots Democracy Part 1 Governance Class 6 Social Science

Introduction to the Chapter

Humans have always lived together in communities. But when many people live together, there can be disagreements and confusion. To keep everything fair and peaceful, we need rules.

Governance is the way decisions are made to organise life in society. It includes making rules and ensuring everyone follows them.

The group of people or system that creates and enforces these rules is called the government. The government plays a big role in keeping order and making sure everything runs smoothly.

Some rules are very important, and these are called laws. Just like you follow rules at home or in school, people in a country must follow laws. But laws can change too! Citizens can share their opinions and help shape new rules, just like students can talk to their teachers about school rules. This way, governance improves as society grows and changes.

A good government listens to the people and works for the benefit of everyone. It helps maintain peace, solves problems, and ensures that everyone gets a fair chance to live happily.

Three Organs of Government

  1. Legislature: This part of the government makes new laws. It is made up of representatives chosen by the people who discuss, change, and approve laws that control how society works.
  2. Executive: The executive carries out the laws created by the legislature. This includes the head of state (like a president or prime minister), ministers, and various agencies that enforce laws and keep order.
  3. Judiciary: The judiciary is the court system that explains the laws and decides if someone has broken them. It also determines the right actions to take, including penalties if needed.

This separation of powers helps create a system of checks and balances. This means each part can keep an eye on the others to make sure no one oversteps their limits.

Three Levels of Government

In India, the government functions at three levels:

  1. Centre or National: Responsible for national issues.
  2. State: Handles state-specific matters.
  3. Local: Deals with local governance.

Each level has distinct responsibilities, contributing to overall governance.

Worldwide, digital technology has changed how societies operate. In India, about 30 years ago, if someone wanted to send money far away, they had to go to the Post Office to send a money order or queue at a bank for a demand draft to mail.

This shift has also led to a rise in criminals who can steal money online without leaving their homes. This has prompted many governments to introduce new laws to tackle these crimes, known as cybercrime. Some of these criminals, who choose to rob others instead of using their skills for good, have been caught and punished in court, often facing fines and prison time.

This illustrates how the three organs of government work together: the legislature makes laws against cybercrime, the executive enforces these laws through bodies like the cyber police, and the judiciary ensures justice is served when laws are violated.

For a government to work effectively, these three parts must remain separate while also cooperating with one another. This separation is vital to maintaining a balance of power and making sure each part does its job properly.

How the Three Branches of Government Work Together

Three Branches of Government Work Together

Think of the government as a team with three key players, each with a specific role. Here’s how they collaborate:

1. The Legislature: Making the Rules

  • The legislature acts as the rule-maker. Its primary role is to create new laws or modify existing ones, represented by a group of citizens. They can also eliminate laws that are outdated.
  • In India, this group is known as Parliament, which includes the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States).

2. The Executive: Putting the Rules into Action

  • The executive is responsible for implementing the laws. This includes the head of state (who could be a president, prime minister, or chief minister), along with ministers and various agencies that ensure law and order.
  • For instance, the cyber police is an agency that enforces laws related to online conduct.

3. The Judiciary: Ensuring Fairness and Justice

  • The judiciary functions like a referee. It decides if someone has broken the law and determines the appropriate action, including punishment if required. It also reviews whether the executive's decisions are correct and whether laws from the legislature are fair.
  • In India, the judiciary consists of various court levels, with the Supreme Court at the highest.

These three branches work based on the principle of separation of powers, which creates a system of checks and balances. Each branch can monitor the others to maintain balance if one exceeds its role.

The Indian government operates at three levels: Centre or national, State, and local, with each level handling different issues. This structure upholds the significance of democracy, where elected representatives govern at both State and national levels.

Three Levels of Government

Three Levels of Government

In India, there are three levels of government: local, state or regional, and national. Each level has its own duties. This system operates within a democratic framework and relies on elected representatives at both the state and national levels. Here’s a closer look at these levels:

Local State or Regional National

  1. Local Government: This is the level that is nearest to the public and addresses issues specific to areas like towns or villages. Local authorities manage concerns that affect small communities, such as minor floods in neighbourhoods. They take care of tasks like rubbish collection, street cleaning, and park maintenance. (Local government will be explored in more detail in the following chapters.)
  2. State Government: When problems affect multiple towns and villages, the State Government intervenes and dispatches rescue teams to assist those in need. They oversee areas such as education, healthcare, and transport within their regions.
  3. Central or Union Government: In the event of a significant flood impacting large areas, the Central Government may also assist by providing relief supplies and deploying the army. This government is responsible for national defence, foreign relations, and large infrastructure projects.




Supreme Court of India

High Court





Two houses- Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha – formulate national laws

One State Assembly or Vidhan Sabha (Note that most States have a single assembly, a few States have two)

Executives and Functions of Central Government and State Government


Central Government

State Government


Led by the President of India (nominal head and Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces), Prime Minister as the executive head.

Led by the Governor (nominal head), Chief Minister as the executive head.

Functions and responsibilities of the Executive (the list is not exhaustive)

· Defence

· Foreign Affairs

· Atomic Energy

· Communications

· Currency

· Interstate Commerce

· Education

· Formulation of National Policies

· Police, law and order

· Adaptation and implementation of laws made by the Central government at the State level

· Public Health

· Education

· Agriculture

· Irrigation

· Local government

Inspirations from Ancient Texts in Institutional Mottos

  • Many institutions in India have mottos that draw inspiration from ancient texts.
  • The motto of the Government of India is "Satyameva Jayate," which means "Truth alone triumphs." This underscores the significance of truth in governance.
  • The Supreme Court of India uses the motto "Yato Dharmastato Jayah," translating to "Where there is dharma, there is victory." This highlights the importance of dharma, or righteousness, in attaining success.

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  • Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born in a humble family in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, in 1931.
  • He was a famous scientist, known as the 'Missile Man of India' for his vital contributions to India's space and missile programmes, along with its nuclear capabilities.
  • Dr. Kalam held the position of 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007.
  • Despite his prestigious role, he remained closely connected to the people, especially the youth, through his dedication to quality education and innovation.
  • He motivated millions with his humility, devotion to social causes, and commitment to the nation.
  • Dr. Kalam encouraged young Indians to dream big and strive to realise their ambitions.
  • His role as President, although largely ceremonial, allowed him to significantly influence many lives.

Here are some of his inspiring thoughts:


  • A system of governance where representatives of the people make decisions for the citizens is known as democracy. The word 'democracy' comes from Greek words: 'demos' meaning 'people' and 'kratos' meaning 'rule' or 'power', which together mean 'rule of the people.'
  • Direct Democracy: This is an instance of direct democracy where every student's opinion was considered to decide the location.
  • Grassroots Democracy: This term describes a system that empowers and promotes participation from ordinary citizens, allowing them to influence decisions that impact their lives.
  • Structure of Government in India: The Indian government operates at three levels: Centre or national, State, and local. Understanding this structure is vital for grasping how governance functions in the country.
  • Importance of Democracy: Democracy provides the framework for this system, operating through elected representatives at both the State and national levels.

Features of Indian Democracy

  • India operates as a representative democracy, where citizens choose representatives to make decisions for them.
  • It holds the title of the world’s largest democracy, with approximately 970 million voters in 2024.
  • Voting rights are granted to all Indian citizens aged 18 and above.
  • At the State level, the elected representatives are known as Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs).
  • At the national level, these representatives are referred to as Members of Parliament (MPs).
  • Representatives engage in discussions about laws and issues within assemblies, where they aim to persuade each other through dialogue and debate.
  • Grassroots democracy allows ordinary citizens to participate in decision-making processes that influence their lives.
  • The Indian government operates on three levels: Centre or national, State, and local.
  • For instance, if a class is deciding on a picnic spot, they might debate two options, A and B, considering factors like distance and cost. The teacher may then suggest voting, where the option with the most raised hands is chosen. This illustrates a form of direct democracy, valuing each student's opinion.


  • People have lived in communities for a long time.
  • When many individuals live together, disagreements may arise, making rules necessary to keep order and peace.
  • Governance is crucial for maintaining harmony.
  • A modern government consists of three parts:
    • Legislative - makes laws.
    • Executive - implements laws.
    • Judiciary - interprets laws.
  • The Indian government operates at three levels:
    • Centre or national
    • State
    • Local
  • Democracy is the framework for this system, functioning through elected representatives at both State and national levels.
  • Understanding the roles of the legislative, executive, and judiciary, along with the different government levels, helps us grasp how society works.

Key Words

  1. House: A group where laws are talked about or created. For the Central Government, there are two houses – Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha - which make national laws.
  2. Nominal: Only in name. This means that the President of India and the Governor of a State are not the real leaders. They have some powers in special situations, but generally, they do not get involved in Central or State government matters.
  3. Government – A group of people who make and enforce rules to keep order in a country.
  4. Governance – The way rules and decisions are made to organise and manage a society.
  5. Laws – Important rules that everyone must follow to keep peace and fairness.
  6. Legislature – The part of the government that makes laws. In India, it includes Parliament.
  7. Executive – The branch that enforces laws and ensures they are followed.
  8. Judiciary – The system of courts that explains laws and decides punishments when laws are broken.
  9. Democracy – A system of government where people choose their leaders by voting.
  10. Separation of Powers – The idea that the three branches of government should work independently but still keep each other in check.
  11. Checks and Balances – A system where each branch of government watches the others to prevent misuse of power.
  12. Constitution – The set of rules that explains how a country should be governed.
  13. Cybercrime – Crimes that happen using the internet, like hacking or online fraud.
  14. Parliament – A place where elected representatives discuss and pass laws for the country.
  15. Rights – The freedoms and protections that every person should have, like the right to vote or speak freely.
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