Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth NCERT Revision Notes Class 6 Social Science

NCERT Notes of Locating Places on the Earth for Class 6 SST is available on this page of studyrankers website. This chapter is from NCERT Textbook for Class 6 Science named Exploring Society India and Beyond. This textbook is published by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training). Class 6 Social Science Textbook published by NCERT is prescribed for CBSE students. Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth Revision Notes is very helpful in understanding the chapter clearly and in easy manner. Students can also find NCERT Solutions for Locating Places on the Earth on this website for their reference. It is very helpful for class 6 students in preparing for the examination. We have covered all the important points and topics of the Locating Places on the Earth chapter of class 6 SST ncert textbook. Students can also find all the questions answers of Locating Places on the Earth chapter which is in the textbook updated to latest pattern of cbse and ncert.

NCERT Notes for Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth Class 6 Social Science

Introduction to Chapter

Imagine you’re a pirate, searching for buried treasure on a mysterious island. You have a crumpled, old map with strange symbols, lines, and arrows. This map is your key to finding the hidden treasure. Just like a pirate’s map, every map tells a story and guides you to places you’ve never been. Maps aren’t just for treasure hunts; they help us understand our world, navigate cities, and explore new lands. Let’s start on an exciting journey to discover the secrets of maps and their magical components!

A Map and Its Components

A map is a visual representation of an area, showing the locations of different features such as mountains, rivers, cities, and roads. Maps can be simple or complex, depending on the amount of detail they include.

There are different types of maps, each serving a specific purpose:

  • Physical Maps: Show natural features like mountains, rivers, and lakes.
  • Political Maps: Show boundaries of countries, states, and cities.
  • Thematic Maps: Focus on specific types of information, such as population density or climate zones.

Components of a Map

Maps have several important components that help us understand the information they provide:

  • Distance: Maps use a scale to represent distances. The scale shows the relationship between the distances on the map and the actual distances on the ground. For example, a scale might show that 1 cm on the map equals 500 meters in reality.
  • Direction: Maps use main directions (North, South, East, and West) and in-between directions (Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest) to help us find places. Most maps have an arrow pointing to the north to show which way is north. The four big arrows in the following picture show the four main directions: North, South, East, and West.
  • Symbols: Maps use symbols to represent different features. For example, a small drawing of a tree might represent a forest, or a dotted line might represent a road. These symbols are explained in the map's legend or key.

Mapping the Earth

The Earth is a sphere, so representing it on a flat map can be challenging. A globe is a more accurate way to represent the Earth because it maintains the correct proportions and distances. However, maps are more convenient for many purposes. 

To accurately locate places on the Earth, we use a coordinate system based on latitudes and longitudes.

(a) Understanding Coordinates

  • A coordinate system uses one or more numbers to uniquely determine or identify the position of a particular point.
  • In the case of earth, latitudes and longitudes are used to determine or pinpoint the position of a particular place. 
  • These are imaginary lines drawn on the earth that assist in location and navigation across the planet. 
  • The position of a point on earth written in terms of its latitude and longitude is called its coordinates.

(b) Latitudes

  • Equator: The Equator is an imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. It is at 0° latitude. The equator divides the earth into southern and northern hemispheres.
  • Parallels of Latitude: These are imaginary lines that run parallel to the Equator. They measure the distance north or south from the Equator. For example, the Tropic of Cancer is at approximately 23.5°N latitude, and the Tropic of Capricorn is at approximately 23.5°S latitude.
  • Climate Zones: The Earth is divided into different climate zones based on latitude. The area near the Equator is generally hot and is called the torrid zone. The areas between the tropics and polar circles are called temperate zones and have moderate climates. The areas near the poles are called frigid zones and are very cold.

(c) Longitudes

  • Prime Meridian: The Prime Meridian is an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through Greenwich, England. It is at 0° longitude. The prime meridian divides the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres.
  • Meridians of Longitude: These are imaginary lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole. They measure the distance east or west from the Prime Meridian. For example, New York is at approximately 74°W longitude, and Tokyo is at approximately 140°E longitude.
  • Local Time: The Earth's rotation causes different places to experience day and night at different times. Local time is determined by a place's longitude. Places with the same longitude have the same local time.

Understanding Time Zones

  • The Earth completes a rotation about its own axis every 24 hours. A full 360° rotation represents 24 hours, so 1 hour can be represented by 15° of rotation of the Earth. 
  • So, the Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each 15° of longitude wide. Each time zone represents one hour of time. For example, if it is 12 pm (noon) at Greenwich (0° longitude), it is 1 pm at 15°E longitude and 11 am at 15°W longitude.
  • Countries often adopt a standard time for the entire country, based on the time at a specific meridian. For example, Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5.5 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
  • The International Date Line is an imaginary line located around 180° longitude. When you cross this line, the date changes by one day. If you cross it moving eastward, you subtract a day. If you cross it moving westward, you add a day.


So, whether you're a pirate looking for treasure, an explorer charting new lands, or just someone trying to find the nearest ice cream shop, maps are your best friend. They guide us through unknown territories, help us understand the world around us, and show us how to get from point A to point B. With the knowledge of latitudes and longitudes, you can pinpoint any location on Earth, and understanding time zones will help you know what time it is anywhere in the world. Maps are more than just pieces of paper—they are keys to adventure and discovery!

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